residential meter

Advanced metering for electric customers

Advanced metering infrastructure, or AMI meter technology, provides up-to-date electric meter reading for billing, outage monitoring and other diagnostics, and is now our company standard. We are in the final stages of a project to install these smart meters across our electric service area in the Upper Peninsula. This transition started in 2020.

Key benefits of AMI meters

Accurate billing
AMI meters provide daily reads, reducing the chances of estimated electric bills. The improved data also helps you manage energy use.

Faster detection
AMI meters provide two-way communication between your home and our system. We can read meters automatically, detect most electric outages and quickly address some service issues without needing to visit or disturb you at home.

Continued reliability
Our former meters were reaching the end of their useful life and were expensive to repair and replace. By upgrading electric meters and related systems, we are able to continue delivering energy safely, reliably and efficiently.

Nonstandard meter alternative

As we finish this electric meter replacement project, all customers will receive an AMI meter. Some customers have expressed a desire for an alternative metering solution. In response, we requested and received approval from the Michigan Public Service Commission to offer a nonstandard option.

Order from Michigan Public Service Commission

Communication with us is deactivated when using a nonstandard meter, impacting all the benefits listed above.

Customers electing nonstandard option:

  • Are responsible for reading the meter each month.
  • Must submit each reading within one day of the “Next Meter Read Date” on their previous bill.
  • Will pay a recurring charge of $0.46356 per day (about $14 per month).
    The daily cost is addition to regular electricity charges.

If there is an issue with the customer’s submitted meter readings that can’t be resolved remotely, a technician will visit the service location to manually read the meter at a cost of $18.84 per occurrence.

Reading a nonstandard meter

Once a year, a technician will check the meter in person, at no cost. If there are any differences from the customer’s supplied readings, a credit or surcharge will be applied to a customer’s bill. If the differences are large enough, we may transition the customer to our standard meter. A full list of fees, penalties and requirements for nonstandard meter users is available.

Fees, penalties and requirements for nonstandard meter

Customers who use the standard meter will not pay any additional charges.

Account requirements
The nonstandard meter is available to residential and small commercial customers who meet the following requirements:

  • Not billed seasonally.
  • Not served under a generation rate.

Customers using an alternative energy supplier will be served by a meter deemed appropriate by the customer’s supplier and approved by UMERC.


If you use the standard AMI meter, you won’t see anything change on your bill.

If you choose to use the nonstandard meter, the daily fee will be in the electric section of your bill called “Other service charges/credits.”

Contact us if you want the nonstandard meter option

If you want a nonstandard meter, you’ll need to call us. Our Customer Care Center representatives will help you with the process.

UMERC We Energies customers: 800-242-9137
UMERC Wisconsin Public Service customers: 800-450-7260