Energy for Tomorrow renewable energy program
Energy for Tomorrow makes it easy to make a difference in the environment by increasing electricity production from energy sources such as wind, solar and landfill gas. You can participate in this voluntary program, administered by We Energies, that not only increases use of renewable energy but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions produced by fossil fuels.
How it works
- Choose amount. You can participate at a 25, 50 or 100 percent level. We purchase Renewable Energy Credits to match that percentage of your electric usage, which replaces equal amounts of electric generation from traditional sources. Participation does not impact electric service reliability.
- Pay additional charge per kilowatt-hour (kWh). Because renewable energy costs more to produce than energy generated from traditional sources, the price is slightly higher. Energy for Tomorrow is a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) product and does not contain electricity. A REC represents the environmental benefits of 1 megawatt hour (MWh) of renewable energy that can be paired with electricity. For more information, see www.green-e.org/rec. Energy for Tomorrow matches 25%, 50%, or 100% of your electricity usage. Most of the additional charge is used to purchase Renewable Energy Credits. Some is used to promote the program and to provide updates to participants.
660 kWh is the avearage monthly use for a We Energies residential customer. Here is a comparison of additional charges for 660 kWh at the various participation levels (actual monthly charges vary based on usage):
- 25% Level ($0.00212/kWh): $1.40
- 50% Level ($0.00425/kWh): $2.80
- 100% Level ($0.00849/kWh): $5.60
Program description
Energy for Tomorrow renewable energy program is a tariffed rate rider offered to our electric customers. The tariff is regulated by the public service commission. All changes to these tariffs must be submitted to and approved by the applicable state laws and regulatory policies of the public service commission. Notification of changes to Energy for Tomorrow prices will follow regulations set forth by the public service commission.
Customers enrolled in Energy for Tomorrow receive a power supply cost recovery (PSCR) reduction based on participation level. Customers enrolled at 100 percent pay no PSCR; enrollment at 50 percent receives a 50 percent PSCR reduction; and enrollment at 25 percent receives a 25 percent reduction.
Energy for Tomorrow program activation takes one or two billing periods. Energy for Tomorrow charges appear on your energy bills. The charge is labeled, showing participation level and total charge each billing period.
Residential customers may sign up, change participation level and withdraw from the Energy for Tomorrow renewable energy program at any time by notifying us at 800-242-9137. There is no fee to withdraw or change participation level.