Reading a nonstandard meter

Most of our customers have an AMI meter, which is our company standard. As of 2024, a nonstandard option is also available. Customers with this meter are required to submit their monthly readings.

The picture and table below show what the nonstandard meter will look like and what to expect when reading the meter. Every 6 seconds the digital meter displays will switch display information. Refer to the table below to identify which table the meter is displaying.

nonstandard meter
Display Identifier Display Segment
888 LCD segment check
03 Total kWh consumption

How to Read Your Meter

  1. Look for the ‘Display Identifier’
  2. When it reads ‘03’ (pictured), record the ‘Display Segment’ number
    • Pictured example is: 23154 kW
  3. Submit your read

Standard meter reading

If you have a standard meter, you do not need to submit monthly readings. It is transmits automatically using the AMI technology. If you ever need to read the meter yourself, We Energies and WPS have instructions online.

Reading your meter — We Energies
Reading your meter — WPS